Parent Project Facilitator National Training | FALL 2024 | Reserve your spot today!

We're Certified Parent Project® Facilitators

Parent Project® is the nation’s largest and most effective program for parents dealing with children’s and teens’ destructive behavior.

In 30 years of partnering with over 500,000 parents to teach prevention and intervention strategies for destructive behaviors from difficult or out-of-control children, Parent Project® has been the subject of numerous academic studies, consistently showing significant improvement in parental knowledge and skills, reduction in youth destructive behavior and increases in expressions of love in the home.

It has been estimated that some 1300 students drop out of school every day. That’s nearly 1/2 million children every year.

In 2002, the national dropout prevention conference, held in San Diego, CA, drew more than 600 participants, school counselors, teachers and school administrators, from around the country.

About 60 different workshops and general sessions were offered to participants during the week. The workshops targeted either improving the learning environment, or, bringing kids to the insight that a high school diploma is necessary in today’s society.

Guess how many of the workshops focused on parent involvement to help keep kids in school?

That’s right. None!

Improving the learning environment and bringing kids to insight is not a bad thing.

But how many kids in the country really don’t know that they need a high school diploma to work for a city and pick up trash? Most dropouts do have the insight. They understand a high school diploma is important.

What these children lack is self-discipline. Self-discipline is necessary to get out of bed, go to school, and complete their homework on a daily basis.

Getting a child out of bed, getting them to school, and having them complete their homework, is not the educator’s responsibility. The key word here is HOMEwork. Is there a teacher in the country that controls their students’ home environment? That is what makes parental involvement vital to academic success. The problem is most parents don’t know what to do.

The Parent Project® classes help parents structure their home environment to ensure their children go to school and complete their homework on a daily basis.
This course increases positive parent/caregiver communication and bonding and provides parents with an action plan to increase positive behaviors.

The Parent Project curriculum consistently delivers long-lasting, positive impact to families and their communities -- on metrics such as parenting knowledge, parental oversight, child engagement, effectiveness of discipline, reduction in destructive youth behavior (drugs, alcohol, violence), school attendance and family time together.

Interested in offering a Parent Project® class for the parents in your service areas? Or becoming a Certified Parent Project® Facilitator? Email us at for more info today!

The Parent Project® Scope

The Parent Project® is a parent-training program designed specifically for parents raising difficult, or out-of-control adolescent children.

We know that if children stay in school and are successful, they are far less likely to involve themselves in other destructive behaviors. Parent Project® classes devote an entire unit study to improving school attendance and performance. What would happen to a school’s test scores if every child completed their daily homework? And, if a child exhibits behavior problems at school, getting that parent into the Parent Project will help eliminate behavior problems as well.




The Parent Project® is the only parent-training program that was actually developed by the questions asked of us by parents. Over 500,000 parents raising difficult, or out-of-control adolescent children actually developed this program. Parents love it because it meets their specific needs and answers their questions.

It is the only program of its kind in the country, in that intentionally focuses on the most destructive of adolescent behaviors:

  1. Family conflict
  2. Poor school attendance and performance
  3. Negative peer associations including, early teen sexuality, gangs and the occult
  4. Drug & alcohol use
  5. Runaway children
  6. Violent children
  7. Teen suicidality

Parent Project® is uniquely equipped to tackle exactly the problems and obstacles parents face today: from iPhone/social media addiction and ADHD to Snapchat-bullying and sexual predators.

Interested in offering a Parent Project® class for the parents in your service areas? Or becoming a Certified Parent Project Facilitator®? Email us at for more info today!

  • Parent Project Classes

    Parent Project® classes are 10-16 weeks in length.

    • Parents meet 3 hours a night for the first 6 weeks, and two hours per night for the next 4 to 10 support group meetings.
    • In addition to specific information and skills, parents also receive both emotional and practical support, a key to successful implementation at home.
    • At the conclusion of the class, we encourage on-going parent led support groups. These support groups can continue to meet in the community indefinitely.
  • Program Highlights

    In 2001, the American Bar association’s Center on Children and the Law, called the Parent Project the strongest program for adjudicated youth in the nation.

    The California Attorney General called the Parent Project a model community police program.

    In Sept. 2004, the Office of Juvenile Justice Delinquency Prevention highlighted the Parent Project as one of three programs that increased protective factors while decreasing youth risk factors in the community.

  • Is it the Right Fit?

    Strong, loving families are the foundation on which our future is built, and Parent Project® is the best tool for rebuilding these families.

    The Parent Project® is the perfect referral program resolving for:

    1. Classroom behavior problems
    2. Attendance problems
    3. Poor grades
    4. Homework problems
    5. Anytime you hear a parent say, “I don’t know what to do.”

Your support matters.

When we consider the fact that three out of every four teens today, will involve themselves in some destructive behavior before they graduate from high school, the need for a program like the Parent Project® is obvious. Your generosity today has the power to positively change the lives of many families in need.

Show Your Support & Make a Donation
Sponsor a child for Freedom School or a family for Parent Project.

If you would prefer to mail a check (made payable to Children Read Succeed), or purchase supplies on our behalf, please send it to:

Children Read Succeed

P.O. Box 5454

Huntsville, AL 35814

Children Read Succeed (CRS) is a Section 501(c) (3) public charitable organization, Tax ID: 85-3230252. All donations are deemed tax-deductible absent any limitations on deductibility applicable to a particular taxpayer. No goods or services were provided in exchange for your contribution.